目的分析甲状腺功能减退症(以下简称甲减)的发病原因、临床诊治要点及预防医源性甲减发生的方法。方法对开远市人民医院内分泌科2009年至2011年门诊诊治的50例甲减患者的临床资料进行总结和分析。结果 50例甲减患者均给予足量的左甲状腺素钠口服治疗,每月复查甲状腺功能,据甲状腺功能调整左甲状腺素钠剂量,直至甲状腺功能恢复正常。结论甲减是内科的常见病之一,临床表现复杂,起病隐匿,早期少有特征,易漏诊误诊。尽早作出正确的诊断,具体分析,正确使用足量的左甲状腺素钠补充治疗,并预防医源性甲减的发生。
Objective To analyze the causes of hypothyroidism (hereinafter referred to as hypothyroidism), the main points of clinical diagnosis and treatment and prevention of iatrogenic hypothyroidism. Methods The clinical data of 50 patients with hypothyroidism who were diagnosed and treated in Department of Endocrinology, People’s Hospital of Kaiyuan from 2009 to 2011 were summarized and analyzed. Results 50 cases of hypothyroidism patients were given adequate oral administration of levothyroxine, monthly review of thyroid function, according to thyroid function to adjust the dose of levothyroxine until thyroid function returned to normal. Conclusion Hypothyroidism is one of the common diseases of internal medicine. The clinical manifestations are complex, with insidious onset, few features in the early stage and misdiagnosis of missed diagnosis. As soon as possible to make the right diagnosis, specific analysis, the proper use of adequate levothyroxine sodium supplementation and prevention of iatrogenic hypothyroidism.