长期以来,我国农民是凭着老经验进行施肥,往往掌握不好施肥量和施肥比例,造成化肥利用率低, 结果是高成本、低收入。当前农业部门大力推广的测土配方施肥是精准农业的一项重要技术,其核心是准确计量,使各种养分形成科学配方。不同地域、不同土壤养分含量差异很大;不同作物所需养分不同;同一作物的不同品种、不同生长阶段其需肥规律也不相同。因此,在播种前就要根据土壤性质,产量目标来确定肥料种类和施用方式,这就需要进行测土配方。只有科学、精确施肥,才能达到提高农产品质量、降低生产成本、增加收入的目的。本期特刊重点介绍了一些常用肥料的营养特性和施肥技术,希望对农民朋友有一定的帮助。
For a long time, Chinese farmers rely on their old experiences to apply fertilizers, and often they have poor control over the amount of fertilizers and the proportion of fertilizers, resulting in low utilization of chemical fertilizers. The result is high costs and low incomes. Soil testing and fertilizing, which is currently being promoted by the agricultural sector, is an important technique for precision agriculture. Its core is accurate measurement, which makes various nutrients form a scientific formula. Different regions, different soil nutrient content varies greatly; different crops require different nutrients; different varieties of the same crop, different growth stages of its need to fertilizer law is not the same. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the type and application of fertilizer according to soil properties and yield before sowing, which requires soil testing and formulation. Only scientific and precise fertilization can achieve the purpose of improving the quality of agricultural products, reducing production costs and increasing incomes. This special issue focuses on the nutritional characteristics of some commonly used fertilizers and fertilization techniques, hoping to help farmers friends.