稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphaloccrocis medimalis Guenee’)是皖南中籼单季稻区的主要害虫之一。1980年以后,仅一年轻发,重发频率(重或偏重)达88.9%。未治或防治失时田块,受害严重,平均卷叶率达35.1%,对中稻产量造成一定损失。为此,近年来,我站开展了该虫地方发生规律的调查以指导综合防治,现将结果总结如下:一、四(2)代是单季中稻全生育期的主害代皖南中籼单季稻区,当家品种为中籼910,移栽期5月底至6月上旬,8月上旬抽穗,
Cnaphalocrocis medimalis Guenee ’is one of the main pests in Wannan mid-season indica single cropping rice. After 1980, the rate of recurrence (heavier or heavier) was 88.9% in only one year. Untreated or the prevention of loss of time plots, severe damage, the average volume of leaf rolling up to 35.1%, resulting in some loss of medium-yield rice. Therefore, in recent years, I conducted a survey on the regular occurrence of this pest in order to guide the comprehensive prevention and treatment. The results are summarized as follows: The first and fourth (2) generations are the main generation of single season middle season full grain rice Wannan Indica single season rice District, headed varieties of indica rice 910, transplanting period from the end of May to early June, early August heading,