山东笙歌公司是一个出口加工型服装企业,在柴田先生来之前,由于管理和技术落后,公司羊毛衫厂的生产仅仅停留在来料加工最基本的业务上,经济效益连续多年低迷不前。公司决定聘请柴田先生为笙歌公司的技术顾问,帮助改变毛衫厂陈旧的管理模式,提高经济效益。在柴田先生的建议下,2002年11月份,笙歌公司从日本购买了一台先进的JUKI 24针机,大大提高了生产的自动化程度和生产效率。
然而仅仅运转了两天的时间,新机器突然“罢工”。这时候日方技术人员已回国,国内技术人员又不会修理,而生产交货期又迫在眉睫。正当大家焦急万分时,柴田先生主动请缨。但是他过去只维修过型号比较老的24针机,对这种型号的机器也没有接触过,难度相当大。 他拿起说明书,凭着多年的实践经验及毛衫机械方面的知识,一个晚上就攻破了难关,保证了生产正常进行 。柴田先生顾不得休息,忙着查找造成机器故障的原因:由于工人培训时间短,没有很好地掌握操作要领,引起机器故障。他又主动挑起培训职工的重担,毫不保留地向职工传授技术,为笙歌公司培养出一批批懂技术的职工。此后,每月一次的技术培训成了柴田先生的一项工作内容。自从聘请柴田先生至今,笙歌公司毛衫厂无论从管理 、效益和技术水平上均有了较大的提高。
机织车间一直是公司的“老大难”,管理跟不上,浪费现象比较严重,以至于效益一直上不去。柴田先生来到机织车间后,组织制定了一套车间的规章制度,把节约生产资料放在首位。同时在车间张贴“节约光荣、浪费可耻”的标语,号召大家节约挖潜,开展声势浩大的“我为笙歌节约每一分钱”活动。机织车间缝合工序在以前是浪费比较严重的工序,柴田先生针对他们实际工作中的陋习,专门制定工序规程,强化了每一个人的节约意识。在柴田先生的带领下,机织车间 在节约挖潜方面取得了明显的效益,每月可节约资金1万余元。
作为一位60多岁的老人,每天都按时与职工一起上下班,车间主任有时劝他:“你都这么大岁数,并且是我们聘请的外国专家,不用来这么早。” 但不管别人怎么说,他每天还是按时上下班。柴田先生有一个习惯:决不把今天的事儿留在明天做。有时一个技术难题没有解决,他能不吃不喝加班加点地解决好。有一次柴田先生制定一个生产工艺,下班时还没有写好,他的翻译小徐说:“明天再写吧。”他摇了摇头说:“你先走吧,我再写一会。”当小徐晚上11点返回办公室取东西时,柴田先生还在写。小徐感动地说:“60多岁的老人比我们20多岁的小青年还能拼!”
2002年底,柴田先生从电视上看到乳山市一个小孩患了癌症,家庭困难,交不起医药费,他连夜赶往医院送上2000元钱,便匆匆离去,以至于孩子的父母亲都不知道他是谁,只知道是一位日本人。后来孩子的父母多方查询才找到他,才知柴田先生在笙歌的月工资不过2000元。事后,很多人问起他的感想,“老柴”说:“我也有儿女,我理解做父母的心情。”话虽不多,但句句亲切实在。笙歌人都知道,柴田先生真正把乳山当成了自己的家,把乳山人当成了自己的同胞 。他们说,“老柴”是我们的良师益友,更是我们学习的榜样!
Mr. Shibada Katsutoshi is a senior garment designer and knitted sweater expert from Japan. He is especially good at the development of machine woven sweaters and crochet hook series products as well as the processing of woolen sweaters. In Japan, Mr. Shibada has been awarded grand prizes for garment design five times and has rich experiences in the area of garment processing, particularly in the area of woolen sweater processing. As early as 10 years ago, as an overseas expert from Japan-based Forest Limited Company, Mr. Shibada came to China to work for the Shandong Shengge Group. In 2002, when he retired from Forest Limited Company, Mr. Shibada volunteered to continue to work for Shengge.
The Shandong Shengge Corporation is an export-oriented enterprise involved in garment processing. Before Mr. Shibada came to work in Shengge, due to its backward management and technologies, the woolen sweater factory of Shengge could only engaged in processing materials provided by clients and turned out low returns for many consecutive years. Therefore, Shengge invited Mr. Shibada to be its technological consultant to help improve the old management mode with a view toward promoting increased economic returns. Following the advice of Mr. Shibada in November 2002, Shengge bought an advanced JUKI 24 bar tack machine from Japan, which greatly promoted the automatic level and work efficiency of the woolen sweater factory.
As a collective enterprise, Shengge previously had some defects in its management, which slowed down the promotion of work efficiency. Aiming at these defects, Mr. Shibada formulated a new management system for the wool sweater factory; and a prime regulation stipulated that any error, such as a broken needle during the processing, should be recorded, classified and reported. At the beginning, many of the staff members doubted Mr. Shibada ’s management and refused to be cooperative. Mr. Shibada didn’t care about this. He talked with each worker personally, taught them hand by hand, and made demonstration for them. When the workers were on night shift, he too went on the night shift. Sometimes, he even stayed up all night. Finally, Mr. Shibada’s efforts turned over profitable returns. The economic returns of the first batch of ordered products were greatly promoted, creating an historic record. Seeing this, from their heart, the workers began to admire Mr. Shibada. Since it was Mr. Shibada’s management means that greatly improved the unreasonable procedures in the processing courses, the enthusiasm of all the staff members was greatly improved.
At the end of 2002, through watching a TV program, Mr. Shibada learned that a child in Rushan was sick of cancer. However, his poor family could not afford the medical expenses. So, in that very night, Mr. Shibada went to the hospital and paid 2000 yuan for the child’s medical bills. Mr. Shibada left in such a hurry from the hospital that the parents of the child did not have time to ask who he was, but only knew that he was Japanese. At that time, the month salary of Mr. Shibada was only 2000 yuan. Later, when some people discussed this affair with him, Mr. Shibada said: “I have both son and daughter, so I understand the feelings of the parents.” All staff members in Shengge know that Mr. Shibada regards Rushan as his hometown and the people of Rushan as his compatriots. They say: “Mr. Shibada is our good teacher, our friend, and our role model: we have learned much from him.”