征稿要求文稿应具有真实性、科学性和实用性,突出报道其研究成果和教育教学经验。要求选题先进,论点鲜明,论据充分,数据可靠,结论准确,层次分明,文字简练,尽量使用A4纸(大16开) 4号字打印并校对清楚,尤其必须准确使用标点符号,英文应隔行打印。不要一稿多投,凡发现一稿多投者将通过网络通知相关媒体作出处置,必要时向所在单位提出书面警告。作者文责自负,请自留底稿.采用或未被采用的稿件均一律不退。全文应尽
The manuscripts for soliciting manuscripts should be authentic, scientific and practical, and should highlight their research achievements and education and teaching experience. Requirements of advanced topics, the arguments clear, sufficient arguments, data reliable, accurate conclusions, structured, concise text, try to use A4 paper (16 open) 4 characters print and proofread, in particular, must be accurate punctuation, English should be interlaced print. Do not vote for more than one manuscript, who found that a manuscript and more investors will notify the media through the network to make the disposal, if necessary, to the unit to write a written warning. Authors should be responsible for their own responsibility, please leave the manuscripts with or without the use of manuscripts are not refundable. The full text should be done