采用反相乳液聚合的方法制备了γ-Fe2O3/聚丙烯酸锂复合微粒,将其分别悬浮分散于不同粘度的硅油、甲苯、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、溴苯中形成电流变体,以考察分散介质的粘度对电流变效应的影响.研究结果表明,对于介电常数相同或相近的分散介质,粘度的影响不容忽视,如其粘度过低(甲苯和溴苯的情况)将不利于微粒的稳定分散和使用,从而导致电流变效应变差;在某一适中的粘度范围内,粘度对电流变效应的影响很小(粘度50~500 cS硅油的情况);介质的粘度越小,电流变体的电流密度越大.“,”Theγ-Fe2O3/lithium polyacrylate composite particles were synthesized rnby an inversed emulsion polymerization. The particles were dispersed in rnsilicone oil with different viscosity, toluene, bromibenzene and dicapryl rnphthalate respectively to obtain the ER fluids. The influences of the rnbase liquid viscosity on the ER effects were then studied. The results rnshow that the base liquid viscosity should be taken into account when rnthe dielectric constants of the liquids are the same or similar to each rnother. In the liquids with excessively low viscositys, such as toluene rnand bromibenzene, the particles cannot suspended stably during storage rnand utility, thus resulting in the decreasing of the ER effects. On the rnother hand, dispersed in the liquids with viscosity within a certain range,rn such as silicone oil with viscosity from 50cS to 500cS, the particles rnalmost exhibit the same ER effects. The current density of the ER fluids rnincreases with decreasing the base liquid viscosity.