Diode-pumped Doubly Q-switched Nd∶YAG Laser with Acoustic-optical Modulator and Cr~(4+)∶YAG Saturabl

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A diode-pumped doubly Q-switched Nd∶YAG laser operating at 1064nm both with an acoustic-optical(AO)modulator and Cr4+∶YAG saturable absorber in the cavity is demonstrated.At the incident pump power of 11.8W the laser can generate stable 8ns pulse with the peak power of 23.6kW at a 10kHz repetition rate.The pulse temporal profile is more symmetric and shorter compared with that of passively Q-switched lasers with only AO-active and Cr4+∶YAG.A reasonable analysis is developed to explain the experimental results theoretically. A diode-pumped doubly Q-switched Nd: YAG laser operating with 1064 nm both with an acoustic-optical (AO) modulator and Cr4 +: YAG saturable absorber in the cavity is demonstrated. At the incident pump power of 11.8W the laser can generate stable 8ns pulse with the peak power of 23.6kW at a 10kHz repetition rate. The pulse temporal profile is more symmetric and shorter compared with that of passively Q-switched lasers with only AO-active and Cr4 +: YAG. A reasonable analysis is developed to explain the experimental results theoretically
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