西花蓟马是近年来入侵我国的世界性害虫。通过对其取食不同寄主植物后各虫态的发育历期、存活率及成虫繁殖力影响的研究结果表明,在不同寄主植物上饲养西花蓟马,其发育历期长短顺序为辣椒>四季豆>茼蒿。寄主植物的不同部位对西花蓟马各虫态的发育历期、存活率及成虫繁殖力的影响均存在显著差异(P<0.05),与取食果实和叶片相比,西花蓟马取食花朵时生长发育速度、存活率及繁殖力明显提高。茼蒿花朵是西花蓟马最嗜好的寄主,用其饲养的西花蓟马成虫产卵期长、平均产卵量高;西花蓟马的未成熟期在茼蒿花朵上最短,为11.07 d,而在辣椒叶片上长达14.78 d。
Western flower thrips is a worldwide pest that invaded our country in recent years. The results of the study on the developmental stages, survival rates and adult fecundity of different host plants after feeding on different host plants showed that the developmental stages of F. occidentalis on different hosts were as follows: pepper> seasons Bean> Chrysanthemum. There were significant differences in the developmental stages, survival rates and adult fecundity of different stages of the host plants (P <0.05). Compared with the fruit-feeding fruits and leaves, Food flowers growth and development speed, survival rate and fertility increased significantly. Artemisia annua flowers are the most favorite hosts of F. occidentalis. The adult worms of F. occidentalis raised a long period of oviposition and the average fecundity was high. The immature stage of F. occidentalis was the shortest at 11.07 d, While in pepper leaves up to 14.78 d.