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农村是宗教传播和邪教势力活动的重要区域。文章选取甘肃省X镇作为西北地区汉族农村的代表,通过观察法和访谈法,考察其宗教信仰状况,分析当前农村反邪教工作中存在的问题。调研发现,该地区虽然宗教文化较为繁荣,但信教群众不多,佛教已然衰落,基督教发展稳中有进,邪教人员多于正统宗教信徒。基层基础建设与反邪形势不相适应是当前基层防范和处理邪教工作中存在的主要制约因素。农村地区邪教的防范与治理应当注意加强社会主义核心价值观建设,推进反邪教工作的法治化进程,加强反邪教工作的基层基础建设,充分发挥正统宗教在反邪教斗争中的作用,注重发挥各类社会团体在反邪教斗争中的作用。 The countryside is an important area for religious propaganda and cult activities. This article selects X Town, Gansu Province as a representative of the Han rural areas in the northwestern region. Through observation and interview, it examines the religious beliefs and analyzes the current problems in anti-cults work in rural areas. The survey found that although the religious culture in the area is relatively prosperous, there are not many religious believers, Buddhism has declined, Christian development has progressed steadily, and there are more cults than orthodox religious believers. The incompatibility between grass-roots infrastructure construction and anti-evil situation is the main constraint in the work of preventing and dealing with heretical cultism at the grassroots level. The prevention and treatment of cults in rural areas should pay attention to strengthening the building of the socialist core values, promoting the legalization of the anti-cult work, strengthening the basic infrastructure for anti-cult work, giving full play to the role of orthodox religions in anti-cult struggle, The Role of Social Groups in Opposition Cults.
目的探讨冠状动脉钙化积分(coronary artery calcification score,CCS)作为预测接受介入治疗多支病变冠心病(coronary artery disease,CAD)患者远期预后指标的临床意义。方法连续招募2013年1月至2016年9月于本院心内科接受冠状动脉介入治疗的多支病变CAD患者155例,收集患者临床资料、实验室及影像学指标及CCS,所有患者出院后均常规随访