SMART COFFEE-CUP是专为喜爱咖啡却因时间或经济条件等问题无法使用一套完整的咖啡用具的人群设计的,这群人不是狂热的咖啡爱好者,却也希望能通过咖啡来提高自己的生活品质。COFFEE-CUP能不惜助任何其他用具就可以冲调出三款基础咖啡美式,卡布奇诺和拿铁咖啡。咖啡的种类是由咖啡,奶及奶泡比例划分的,而无论什么咖啡浓缩咖啡所占的量都是一定的。所以只要控制加入牛奶的量即可调出美味又划算的咖啡。
SMART COFFEE-CUP is designed for people who love coffee but can not use a complete set of coffee utensils because of time or economic conditions. These people are not fanatical coffee lovers, but also want to improve their coffee quality of life. COFFEE-CUP can help flush out three basic coffee American, cappuccino and latte coffee at any other appliance. The type of coffee is divided by the proportion of coffee, milk and milk foam, no matter what the amount of coffee espresso is a certain amount. So just control the amount of milk can be transferred to the delicious and cost-effective coffee.