
来源 :兰州教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nvli2010
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《警世通言》第十一卷《苏知县罗衫再合》作为“水贼占妻(女)”故事的变形,以巧合手法精心编织故事情节,构建出了极具戏剧冲突的故事情节。复杂的人物关系成为故事情节推演的重要因素。其中处于矛盾冲突中的“九恶”不赦的徐能、隐忍坚贞的苏云与郑夫人、是非分明的苏泰等人物形象鲜活生动。 As the distortion of the story of “The Water Thief Wife (Female)”, the Eleventh Volume of “The Story of the Soth Review”, “Lu Shan Ren He” of the Soochow County elaborated the plot by coincidence and constructed a drama with dramatic conflicts plot. Complex relationships between characters become an important factor in the storyline deduction. Among them are the “nine evil” forgiveness of Xu Neng, the stubborn of Su Yun and Madame Cheng, the unspoken figure of Su Tai and others vivid and vivid in the conflicts.