水洗法 从市场买回的新鲜蔬菜,在烹调食用前,用清水多次认真清洗是消除其农药残留的方法之一。对于包心类蔬菜,摘除老叶后,里面同样残留有农药,要将其切开,放在清水中浸泡后,再用清水洗数遍。 浸泡法 蔬菜加水浸泡1小时左右后,取少许盐、碱粉、专用洗洁精、小苏打(任选一种),放在桶中搅拌,浸泡数分钟再用清水漂数遍,可以
Washing method Fresh vegetables bought from the market, before cooking food, wash with water several times to clean it is one of the ways to eliminate pesticide residues. For heart-shaped vegetables, remove the old leaves, which also left a pesticide, to be cut, soaked in water, then washed with water several times. Soak vegetables and water soak for about 1 hour, take a little salt, alkali powder, special detergent, baking soda (optional), put in a bucket of mixing, soaking a few minutes and then flooding several times, you can