异源同流 归宿各异——试析李宗仁与阎锡山的政治态度

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李宗仁与阎锡山都是旧中国的国民党地方军阀实力派。由于自身特定的政治地位及经济军事实力相对弱小,既受到蒋介石的排挤打击又受到日本帝国主义的侵略威胁,同时又是中国共产党的革命对象。他们既要在各种政治力量的“夹缝”中求得生存,又想发展自己,以最后问鼎中原,不得不绞尽脑汁,想尽办法在争权夺利的政治斗争中进行周旋较量。李宗仁与阎锡山虽同属于大地主大资产阶级阵营,但由于二者的阶级出身不同,因而他们对各派政治力量的态度及观点既相同又不同。从李宗仁和阎锡山在中国政治舞台的表现及其各自最后的归宿,印证了孙中山先生的一句名言:“世界潮流浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌,逆之者亡。”国民党地方军伐这一特殊的阶级集团,不管他们为了自己生存发展如何工于心计、巧妙应付,历史最终要他们作出明确回答:只有顺应人民革命发展的洪流,才是唯一光明的前途,否则只能被历史洪流所淹没。 Li Tsung-jen and Yen Hsi-shan are both the KMT local warlords in old China. Due to its specific political status and relatively weak economic and military strength, Chiang Kai-shek has both been pushed aside and threatened with aggression by the Japanese imperialists and is also the target of the revolution by the Chinese Communist Party. They not only need to survive in the “cracks” between various political forces but also want to develop themselves in order to finally win the Central Plains. They have to rack their brains and tried their best to fight against each other in the political struggle for power and power. Although both Li Tsung-jen and Yen Hsi-shan belong to the big landlords and big bourgeoisie camps, they have the same and different attitudes and opinions about the various political forces because of their different classifications. From the performance of Li Tsung-jen and Yen Hsi-shan on the political stage in China and their respective final destinations, it confirms a famous saying of Dr. Sun Yat-sen: "The trend of the world is mighty and prosperous. No matter how they plan their own survival and development for their own survival and development, history has finally asked them to make a clear answer. Only a torrent complied with the people’s revolutionary development is the only bright future, or it can only be swallowed up by the torrent of history. .
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