随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立,我国与东盟各国有关知识产权的经贸往来日益频繁,影响双方交流与合作的知识产权纠纷和冲突也日益增多,在当今世界知识产权法律趋同化的潮流下,应以国际条约尤其是TRIP为合作基础,适当考虑区域内知识产权的特色和优势,协调我国与东盟知识产权,提出建立有区域特色的知识产权协调机制.“,”With the establishment of China-ASEAN fre e trade area,the economic and trade Contacts concerning intellectual property(IP)between china and the ASEAN members are closer.Now the IP conflicts and disputes which influence bilateral communication and cooperation gradually increase.Under the trend of global Convergence of IP Laws,we should take international treaties especially Trips as the foundation of bilateral cooperation,and we also should take the regional IP features and advantages into consideration,so as to coordinate mutual IP,and then put forward the establishment of the coordination mechanisms with regional character.