罗望子之名,为南宋淳熙二年(公元1175年)范成大撰《桂海虞衡志》首先记录。南宋淳熙五年(公元1178年)周去非撰《岭外代答》,又称罗晃子。据张宏达、辛树帜二位先生考订,罗望子系豆科酸豆属植物酸豆的果实Tamarindus indica L。《桂海虞衡志》,系范成大由广南入蜀途中所作,为记述广南地区(相当于今广东中、西部,雷州半岛,海南岛及广西)风土、物产、民族的重要著作。《岭外代答》系周去非任桂林通判时所作。记载当时岭
In the name of Tamarind, the first record was recorded by Fan Cheng Dazhuan’s “Gui Haiyi Heng Zhi” for the second year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1117 AD). In the Southern Song Dynasty, Yongxi was in five years (AD 1178). Zhou went to the non-Writing Works, and called Luo Yaozi. According to Zhang Hongda and Xin Shuji, the two scholars, tamarindus indica L is the fruit of legume sour beans. “Gui Haiyi Heng Hengzhi” is an important work written by Fan Guangda on the way to Guangnan. It is an important book describing the terroir, property, and ethnicity of the Guangnan region (equivalent to today’s central and western Guangdong, Leizhou Peninsula, Hainan Island, and Guangxi). “Out-of-Land Pickup” was made when Zhou went non-performing in Guilin. Record the time