目前有不少现行的《物理学》教材是这样描述简谐波的 :如果波源作简谐振动 ,介质中各质点也随着作简谐振动 ,这时形成的波动叫简谐波 .如此定义简谐波是否妥切 ,值得商榷 .对于平面简谐波 ,如果以直角坐标 y的正方向表示波的传播方向 ,以x表示弹性介质中各质点的位置 ,其数学
At present, many current “Physics” textbooks describe harmonics in this way: If the wave source is simply harmonically oscillating, each mass point in the medium will also undergo simple harmonic vibrations. At this time, the resulting fluctuation is called a harmonic wave. This is defined. It is debatable whether the harmonic is appropriate or not. For plane harmonics, if the positive direction of the rectangular coordinate y represents the propagation direction of the wave, x represents the position of each particle in the elastic medium, and its mathematics