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在英语教学中,有许多过时或与事实不符的观点,容易让学生犯一些用法上的错误,而且这些错误往往带有“中国式英语”的特色。本文力图让事实说话,就一些经常被错误使用的问题提出自己的观点,希望引起同行的注意,也欢迎各位参与讨论。 In English teaching, there are many outdated or factual inconsistencies that make it easy for students to make some mistakes in usage, and these mistakes tend to be characterized by “Chinese English”. This article seeks to make the facts speak, to put forward some views on some often misused issues, hoping to attract the attention of peers, and also to welcome you to participate in the discussion.
有人会拒绝甜美的旋律么?  几年前,那队来自青翠国度苏格兰的Belle&Sebastian曾给予我最流畅的旋律和最温暖的体贴,而乐队于去年带来的全长唱片《The life pursuit》一改往日春风气质转为更深层次的内部探索,虽然这一在我看来尚算成功的转型无疑令人敬佩,但心中难免一股对往昔B&S的追思。而同时期的以Club 8为代表的瑞典Labrador厂牌旗下一众乐队虽同样一派春意盎然,但或多