债务纠纷日趋增多 ,为解决清债问题 ,一些执法机关便采取强行“拍卖”资产的做法 ,令人大惑不解的是在“拍卖”中 ,一些玩忽职守者置国家法律法规于不顾 ,竟恶意设圈套 ,背后搞阴谋 ,使国有资产流失的事件屡屡发生 ,造成的经济损失令人触目惊心。发生在南国椰城海口市椰树精细化工实业有限公司的土地、厂房被“拍卖”一案 ,便是一起典型的国有资产流失案。
Debt disputes have been on the increase. To solve the debt problem, some law enforcement agencies have taken the practice of “auctioning” assets. It is puzzling that in the “auctions”, some dereliction of duty have disregarded national laws and regulations and are actually malicious. By setting up traps and engaging in conspiracies behind the scenes, the incidents that caused the loss of state-owned assets have occurred repeatedly. The economic losses caused are alarming. The case of the “auction” of the land and factory building of Coconut Tree Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., located in Haikou City, Nanguo, was a typical case of the loss of state-owned assets.