为研究车辆上弦梁结构刚度对整车模态的影响规律,建立了200 km/h的客车不锈钢车体结构精细有限元模型,以车体上弦梁为研究对象,通过改变其单位质量惯性矩实现单位质量刚度的变更。结果表明:整车一阶垂弯频率随上弦梁结构刚度增加最初以对数函数形式递增,随后进入平缓阶段保持不变,最后呈线性关系递增;整车一阶横弯频率随上弦梁结构刚度增加最初以对数函数形式递增,随后呈线性关系递增。将这一变化规律应用到工程设计中能改善车体模态性能,进而有效地避开外部激励频率,达到防止共振的效果。
In order to study the influence of the stiffness of the vehicle’s winding chord on the vehicle’s modal, a precise finite element model of 200 km / h passenger car stainless steel body structure was established. The chord beam was taken as the research object and the mass moment of inertia Unit mass stiffness change. The results show that the first-order vertical bending frequency increases with the increase of the stiffness of the uppermost beam in the form of a logarithmic function, and then enters into a gentle phase and remains unchanged. Finally, the linear relationship increases with the first-order transverse bending frequency of the vehicle, The increase initially increases logarithmically, then increases linearly. Applying this rule of variation to the engineering design can improve the modal performance of the car body, and then effectively avoid the external excitation frequency to achieve the effect of preventing resonance.