什么是当今世界上致死率最高的疾病?不是让人谈虎色变的癌症,也不是风靡欧美、蔓延东南亚的爱滋病,而是心血管疾病。在和这个病魔斗争的千万名科学家中、屹立着一位坚定的卫生战士,他就是阜外医院的朱晓东院士。 莘莘学子路 累累硕果存 1932年出生在河南的朱晓东,自幼勤奋好学,中原大地丰腴的土壤赋予了他聪颖的智慧和常人非比的鸿鹄之志。1950年他响应抗美援朝的号召,参加军干校,并转入哈尔滨医科大学医疗系,毕业后,他带着崇高的使命感来到解放军胸科医院(即现在的阜外医院),开始了
What is the disease with the highest lethal rate in the world today? It is not a cancer that makes people talk about change, nor is it a disease that has swept Europe and the United States and spread AIDS in Southeast Asia. It is a cardiovascular disease. Among the tens of millions of scientists who fight this disease, there is a staunch sanitation fighter who is Academician Zhu Xiaodong of Fuwai Hospital. The students’ rich and varied achievements were born in 1932 in Zhu Xiaodong, Henan Province. Since childhood, he has been diligent and studious. The soil of abundance in the Central Plains has given him the wisdom and extraordinary ambition of ordinary people. In 1950, he responded to the call of the War on Resisting US Aggression and Aid Korea and joined the military cadre school and transferred to the medical department of Harbin Medical University. After graduation, he came to the PLA Chest Hospital (now the Fuwai Hospital) with a high sense of mission and started