2002年7月5日,我参加四川省黄埔军校同学会在新繁龙藏寺召开的编审组会议。一踏进龙藏寺,一种寻归觅踪的感觉突然涌上心头。猛抬头,我仿佛看见树林里一排排茅舍和一群鲜活的青年的身影。记忆的闸门终于被打开,往事像潮水一样汹涌而来。天下兴亡,匹夫有责 1939年夏,正值武汉沦陷后,敌人继续向南侵犯,抗日战争处于极其艰苦的阶段,举国上下卷入抗战洪流,沦陷区和大后方的男女青年纷纷请缨,参加抗战。当时我正读高中,因敌机不时轰炸,学校由成都迁到新繁龙
On July 5, 2002, I attended the compilation and editing group meeting held by the Sichuan Huangpu Military Academy Students Association in the new temple of Fanlong. As soon as I entered Longzang Temple, a feeling of finding a home suddenly came to my mind. Suddenly looked up, I seem to see the woods rows of cottages and a group of young people live. The gate of memory was finally opened, and the past was surging like a tide of water. After the fall of Wuhan, the enemy continued to infiltrate the south and the war of resistance against Japan was at an extremely difficult stage. The entire country was involved in the torrent of the Anti-Japanese War. The young men and women in the enemy-occupied areas and the rear area made one after another to participate in the war of resistance against Japan . At that time, I was in high school. Due to the bombing of hostile airplanes from time to time, the school was relocated from Chengdu to the new prosperous dragon