目的:实现涉核特勤疗养路径管理信息化,提高路径管理效率,扩充路径管理内涵和功能。方法:依托军队疗养院信息化管理平台,采用模块化和面向对象的开发方法,基于浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)模式,数据库为Oracle 8,开发语言为Java,完成涉核特勤疗养路径管理系统的研发。结果 :解决了纸质路径耗时费力、监管滞后、统计困难和调整不便等问题,提高了涉核特勤疗养路径管理水平。结论:该系统的应用使涉核特勤疗养路径管理更规范、便捷、精细,可在承接涉核特勤疗养任务的军队疗养院中推广和应用。
OBJECTIVE: To realize informatization of management of pathways for retreat in specialties of nuclear industry, to improve the efficiency of path management and to expand the connotation and function of path management. Methods: Relying on the information management platform of military nursing home, using modular and object-oriented development method, based on Browser / Server (B / S) mode, the database is Oracle 8, the development language is Java, Development of health care path management system. Results: Solving the paper path time-consuming and labor-intensive, regulatory lag, statistical difficulties and inconvenience to the adjustment and other issues, improve the management of the retreat pathways. Conclusion: The application of this system makes the administration of the special service path for nuclear retreat more standardized, convenient and sophisticated. It can be popularized and applied in the military nursing home that undertakes the task of special service involving the nuclear industry.