患者女性,37岁。1年前无明显诱因出现阴道出血,量少,白带呈粉色。同房后亦有少量阴道出血,色鲜红,无性交痛、腹痛、下腹坠胀感等不适。MR检查显示宫颈前唇偏右侧3.5 cm×2 cm等T1稍长T2软组织信号肿块。专科检查:宫颈外口有一蚕豆大息肉、软,触之有少量出血。病理活检考虑为分化好的绒毛腺管状腺癌。遂行子宫全切术。病理检查巨检:全切子宫标本,于宫颈外口见结节形
Patient female, 37 years old. 1 year ago no obvious incentive to vaginal bleeding, less, leucorrhea was pink. After intercourse there are a small amount of vaginal bleeding, red color, no sexual pain, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other discomfort. MR examination showed anterior cervical anterior lip 3.5 cm × 2 cm T1 slightly longer T1 soft tissue signal mass. Specialist examination: there is a large cervix uterus polyps, soft, touch a small amount of bleeding. Pathological biopsy considered well differentiated villous tubular adenocarcinoma. Performing hysterectomy. Histopathological examination: all cut uterine specimens, see the appearance of the cervix nodules