尿石症是泌尿外科临床上的最常见疾病之一,随着生活方式的改变,尿石症在我国也越来越普遍,并且在治疗后易复发,5~10年复发率为50.0%~([1-2]),复杂性肾结石更是如此。体外冲击波碎石术(extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,ESWL)、微创泌尿外科技术和开放性手术是治疗泌尿系结石的三大方法,而经皮肾镜和经尿道输尿管镜结合几乎可完成全尿路结石的治疗~([3]),但对有尿道狭窄、输尿管狭窄或迂曲者慎用。
Urolithiasis is one of the most common clinical diseases in urology. With the change of life style, urolithiasis is more and more common in our country and relapse after 5 ~ 10 years is 50.0% ([1-2]), especially complicated kidney stones. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), minimally invasive urology and open surgery are the three major approaches to the treatment of urolithiasis. Percutaneous nephroscopy and transurethral ureteroscopy combine to achieve almost complete urinary tract Treatment of stones ~ ([3]), but for urethral stricture, ureteral stricture or tortuous persons with caution.