那斯达克证券市场的建立和发展过程 1、那斯达克证券市场的建立,归属及其管理那斯达克证券市场有限公司隶属于全国证券交易商协会(The National Association of Securities Dealers/NASD)。该协会是一个自律性的管理机构.根据1934年证券交易法修正案于1939年创建,在美国证券交易委员会注册,并在其监督下进行工作。几乎所有的美国证券经纪/交易商都是它的会员。 那斯达克证券市场创立于1971年,以全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统(NASD AutomatedQuotation System)运作。这是一套电子系统,
NASDAQ Stock Market Establishment and Development 1. NASDAQ Stock Market Establishment, Ownership and Management NASDAQ Stocks, Inc. belongs to the National Association of Securities Dealers / NASD ). The Association is a self-regulatory body that was created in 1939 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and operated under its supervision. Almost all U.S. securities brokers / dealers are its members. The NASDAQ Stock Market was founded in 1971 and operates under the NASD Automated Quotation System. This is an electronic system,