卡帕多奇亚(Cappadocia),土耳其腹地最富盛名的旅游圣地,曾被《国家地理》杂志评为“地球十大美景”之一。笔者乃地质学科班出身,自然是对卡帕多奇亚的地貌景致颇为感兴趣。一千万年前周边三个火山群陆续而持久的喷发,在此地区形成了厚达百米以上的火山凝灰岩地层。该地层在不同时期经历了岩浆流与河流的侵蚀,转变为如今光怪陆离的地质景观。兀立的石柱得益于其顶端覆盖有耐侵蚀的玄武岩帽,其引人注目的外形更是被当地人戏称为“精灵烟囱(Fairy Chimneys)”。卡帕多奇亚令人神往的另一个理由,则是浪漫而奇
Cappadocia, the most prestigious tourist destination in the hinterland of Turkey, was rated by National Geographic as one of the “Top Ten Views of the Earth”. The author is geology class background, nature is quite interested in the landscape of Cappadocia. Thousands of years ago around the three volcanic groups after another and lasting eruption in this area formed a thick volcanic tuff above 100 meters strata. The strata experienced erosion of magmatic streams and rivers at different times and transformed into bizarre geologic landscapes today. Thanks to the basalt cap, which is covered in its top with erosion-resistant stone, Wu Li’s pillars are dubbed “Fairy Chimneys” by the locals. Another reason Cappadocia is fascinating is romance and wonder