
来源 :湖北中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolfwang21
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目的 :比较咳喘膏贴复方的 80 %乙醇提取与水提取两种工艺中麻黄碱的提取率。方法 :以提取浓缩的浸膏中麻黄碱含量为考察指标 ,以比色法测定其含量 ,结合《中国药典》中的滴定法进行比较。结果 :80 %乙醇提取工艺的麻黄碱提取率为 91 7% ,水提取工艺的麻黄碱提取率为 43 7%。结论 :80 %乙醇提取工艺优于水提取工艺。 Objective : To compare the extraction rate of ephedrine in the two methods of 80% ethanol extraction and water extraction of Kechuan plaster. Methods : The content of ephedrine in the concentrated extract was taken as the inspection index. The content of ephedrine in the concentrated extract was determined by colorimetric method and compared with the titration method in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. RESULTS: The extraction rate of ephedrine in the 80% ethanol extraction process was 91.7%, and the extraction rate of ephedrine in the water extraction process was 43.7%. Conclusion: The 80% ethanol extraction process is superior to the water extraction process.
【正】 从事教学工作,必须研究学生不同年龄的心理特点。同时,教学的实践告诉我们,年龄基本相同的一个年级、甚至一个班的学生,在各门学科的学习中心理状态大不一样。因此,教