本文研究了金圣叹小说评点与晚明政治之间复杂的关系 ,发现其作为意识形态的生产 ,一方面 ,受到了帝国意识形态的制约或支配 ,成为维护现实政治秩序的文化力量之一 ;另一方面 ,它又生产出他异的意识形态 ,质疑、反抗乃至颠覆着帝国意识形态 ;正是在与晚明政治这种若即若离的关系中 ,金圣叹小说评点实现了自己的政治文化批判功能。
This paper studies the complex relationship between Jin Shengtan’s novel commentaries and the politics of the late Ming Dynasty and finds that as a production of ideology, on the one hand, it is restricted or dominated by the ideology of the empire and becomes one of the cultural forces that maintain the political order in reality; It also produced his different ideologies, doubts, resistances and even subverted the ideology of imperialism. It is in this precocious relationship with late Ming politics that Jin Sheng-tan’s novels critically realized his own function of political and cultural criticism.