Between the contemporary body philosophy represented by Merleau-Ponty and the body thought of ancient Chinese medicine, we found many places of congeniality. Such as Merlot - Ponty “to the body of the world ” and traditional Chinese medicine “big body ” deed; he said “mobile body ” and Chinese “Visible - invisible” body and traditional Chinese medicine, “imagery” deed; Meryl - Ponti referred to the body “double leaf ” and Chinese medicine “yin and yang ”; its “Life time” and said that the Chinese medicine “Five Elements” said that; Merlot - Ponty’s “intersex” with the traditional Chinese medicine “Meridian”; its “use the body to know” And Chinese medicine All this not only makes the rise of the body philosophy of Merleau-Ponty represent a fundamental rebellion against the traditional view of the body in the West, but also provides an important theory for the association between the concept of Chinese body-building toward the modern body and the concept of the traditional Chinese body Opportunity.