Taking the herbaceous plantations of Tuotuohe borrow soil field of Qinghai-Tibet Railway as an example, in-situ drawing test, indoor tensile test and shear test of 6 species of herbaceous plants with 5a growth stage were conducted in the field and indoors respectively. In the experimental area, the root pull-out resistances of six kinds of herbs such as Solomontia sargassum, Alhumna sativa, Poa pratensis, Leymus latifolia, Elymus nutans, Aster sinesis and so on were 187.34-57.89N and 4.44-2.99N, The results showed that aboveground stems and leaves and underground roots mainly contain Al, Ca, Mg and K , Fe, Sr, Zn and Mn, among which the contents of four elements Al, Ca, Mg and K were significantly higher than those of other elements. In addition, Ca, Fe, Zn, Sr, Cu and other six kinds of elements were significantly greater than the corresponding herbaceous stems and leaves part of the test area six kinds of herbs descending order from descending order Solon grass, Lai grass, bluegrass, Elymus nigrum, alkali The first 8 kinds of main chemical elements contained in the roots of 6 species of herbaceous plants, such as Alnus mandshurica, Star grass, This indicates that the mechanical strength of six kinds of herbaceous root-fixing soil in the borrow area has a certain relationship with the chemical elements contained in the roots.