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漱口是口腔保健的基本措施,能清除口中的浊气糟粕,清洁口齿。《诸病源候论》说:“食毕常漱口数过,不尔,使人病龋齿。”《千金方》中指出:“食毕当漱口数过,令人牙齿不败口香。”《老老恒言》引苏东坡的话说:“齿性便苦,如食甘甜物,更当漱。每见年未及迈,齿即缺落者,乃甘昧留齿,渐至生虫作慝。”就是说,每日早、午、晚饭后,或平时吃甜食以后,都应及时漱口。漱口的方法多种多样。 (1)水漱 《老老恒言·晨兴》说:“漱用温水,但去齿垢,齿之患在火……唯冷水漱口,习惯则寒冬亦不冷齿,可以永除齿患。”其实,漱口之水,温冷皆可,因人而异。 (2)茶漱 即用茶水漱口,古人很推崇此法。饭后用浓茶水漱口,可解油去腻,爽口洁齿,还可清除牙齿缝中的残渣,有利于坚固牙齿。不仅如此,它还有清热解毒化腐的功能,对牙龈炎、咽炎均有显著疗效。现代研究发现,茶中含有氟能使牙齿坚固。长期用茶水漱口有一定的防龋齿效果。 Mouthwash is the basic measure of oral health, can clear the mouth of dirty gas dregs, clean teeth. “Various sources of disease waiting to be said,” said: “Food often mouthwash too, no Seoul, making people sick dental caries.” “Qian Jin Fang” pointed out: “food is over when the mouthwash, it is unbeatable.” Old saying goes, “lead Su Dongpo's words:” Teeth will be bitter, such as eating sweet, more when rinse .Every year is not the step, the tooth is the lack of those who are ignorant of teeth, gradually to the worms for 慝. “That is, daily morning, afternoon, after dinner, or usually eat sweets, mouthwash should be promptly. Ways to gargle a variety of. (1) water rinse, ”Old Habitat Morning Chen Hing,“ said: ”rinse warm water, but to tartar, tooth suffering in the fire ... only cold water gargle, habits are not cold winter, you can forever remove teeth "In fact, mouthwash, warm and cold, vary from person to person. (2) tea rinse mouthwash with tea, the ancients are respected this method. Gargle with thick tea after a meal, the oil can be greasy, refreshing teeth, but also remove the residue in the tooth seam is conducive to strong teeth. Not only that, it also has the functions of detoxification rot, gingivitis, pharyngitis have a significant effect. Modern research found that tea contains fluoride can make teeth strong. Long-term use of tea gargle have a certain effect of anti-caries.
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照片1展示的是一个小女孩新萌长出来的上面的恒小门牙斜着长,左右两边排成了八字形,而且还向里长,发生了腭(舌)向错位。仔细观察孩子的上牙床骨就会发现,上面门牙段的牙床骨没有凸度,小门牙牙根部位的外(唇)侧骨板凹陷。  这说明孩子的上牙床骨在婴幼儿时期受到了外力的压迫,小时候患有轻度的乳牙时期“地包天”。现在,有不少孩子的上面四颗大小门牙或与左右两颗“虎牙”之间排列得拥挤,相互重叠或歪着、扭着长。这类
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