畦行配置 蔬菜高效生产模式多为间作套种模式。畦行方式是“配制”间作套种模式的基本技术。畦行配置得当,能合理分配模式中各种作物共生期的土壤养分和空间养分(阳光与空气),提高土地利用率、产出率。畦行配置不合理,不仅不能增加叶日积,提高光能利用率、土地利用率和产出?
畦 line configuration vegetable efficient production mode intercropping intercropping model. Method is the “preparation” intercropping interplays the basic technology. With proper configuration, the soil nutrients and space nutrients (sunshine and air) can be rationally distributed during the symbiotic period of various crops in the model so as to improve the land utilization rate and output rate.配 line configuration is irrational, not only can not increase the leaf area, improve solar energy utilization, land utilization and output?