
来源 :乐器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianlzho
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薅草锣鼓主要流行于我国南方的湖南省、湖北省、四川省、江西省、江苏省、贵州省、陕西省南部地区以及西北部的甘肃省等,是一种古老的民俗音乐活动形式,是农耕文化的产物。本文主要以重庆市武隆县白果乡的薅草锣鼓活动为例,对当地歌师孙祥森、孙祥林、孙祥盛(3人各执一乐器,分别鼓、大锣、马锣)以及相关人士的七次采访、录音之后,经过整理、记谱、分析,旨在阐释听似简单的锣鼓伴奏里隐含的中国民间器乐最初的展衍手法,并揭示它被赋予的最实用的功能性意义。白果乡薅草锣鼓有两种锣鼓类型,一种是伴奏锣鼓,即边歌唱边敲打的锣鼓段;一种是间奏锣鼓,处于歌曲与歌曲之间,是用于连接歌曲的锣鼓段。 Gypsum percussion drums are mainly popular in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Guizhou, southern Shaanxi and Gansu in the northwest of China in the southern part of China, and are an ancient form of folk music activity. The product of farming culture. In this paper, we mainly take the gongs and drums of Baheguo Township, Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality as an example. We analyze the local singers Sun Xiangsen, Sun Xianglin and Sun Xiangsheng (three instruments, one drum, one gong and one horse gong) After the recording, the collation, notation and analysis are intended to explain the initial expansive techniques of Chinese folk instrumental music in the simple gongs and drums accompaniment and to reveal the most useful functional meaning it has been given . There are two kinds of gongs and drums perched on a gizzard. One is the accompaniment gongs and drums, which are the gongs and drums that are beaten while singing. The other is the percussion gongs and drums, which are between the songs and the songs and are the gongs and drums used to connect the songs.
一辆97年款进口奥迪 A6 2.8 L乘用车,采用 OIV 手动/自动一体化五档变速器,四轮驱动。当其行驶速度为18 km/h~20 km/h 时,整个车身有明显的前后窜动(俗称“耸车”)的现象。此
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睾丸横跨异位临床罕见.我院收治1例左睾丸横跨异位并输精管融合患儿,现报告如下.  患儿:男,22个月.生后双侧阴囊内无睾丸.检查:发育营养好,心肺未见异常.阴茎发育正常.双侧阴囊内未触及睾丸.右腹股沟下段可触及睾丸样物.手术经过:经右腹股沟疝切口,寻及疝囊.
目的 探讨前后囊联合环形撕囊人工晶状体植入术的技术.方法 对68例白内障施行前后囊连续环形撕囊,手法碎核并植入人工晶状体.结果 56例撕囊一次成功,10例在囊膜剪辅助下完成,2例人工晶状体前囊孔夹持.术后1周平均眼压15.31±5.6 mmHg.术后3月矫正视力≥0.5者58眼占85.3%,瞳孔区透明,无明显人工晶状体偏位或眼底异常改变.结论 前后囊联合环形撕囊植入人工晶状体,是安全有效的预防术后
Chen Tonghai, President of the Sinopec Group emphasized that science and technology innovation was the key to enhance the company’s competitiveness. The follow
金秋十月,结束了欧洲职业生涯的安尼卡-索伦斯坦(Annika Sorenstam)将来到中国。分别参加在海南举行的大新华航空LPGA赛事和在苏州太湖国际高尔夫球场举行的欧亚女子公开赛。
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