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“2000·中国西部论坛”在四川成都圆满闭幕了!论坛紧紧围绕“中国西部开发——政府与市场”为主题的15个专题,中国政府官员阐释了西部大开发的政策和措施,进一步表达了中国政府加快西部发展的坚定决心;中外企业家面时面进行了精彩的对话,进一步加深了时中国政府这一决心的理解和对西部市场的把握;社会贤达、中外学者发表了独到的见解,对西部大开发很有启迪作用;中外媒体进行了广泛而深刻的报道,为论坛盛况增添了更加绚丽浓重的色彩! “2000 Western China Forum” Closure Concluded in Chengdu, Sichuan! The forum closely follows 15 topics on the theme of “China’s West Development - Government and Market”. Chinese government officials explained the policies and measures for the development of the western region and further expressed The firm determination of the Chinese government to speed up the development of the western region; the brilliant dialogue between Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, which further deepens the understanding of the determination of the Chinese government and mastery of the western market; the community of distinguished scholars and Chinese and foreign scholars have expressed their unique views , A very enlightening role in the development of the western region. The Chinese and foreign media carried out extensive and profound reports, adding a more gorgeous and rich color to the grand occasion of the forum!
1994 tax sharing reform is a critical institutional change in the process ofthe fiscal decentralization and marketization in China. Local governmentstherefore b
博来霉素是一种可诱导组织纤维化的药物。已有报道博来霉素可诱导癌症患者发生硬皮病。它可直接增加培养的人真皮和肺成纤维细胞 (Fb)合成Ⅰ型胶原的速度。在博来霉素诱导的肺
患者男,55岁.因皮肤、眼白发黄于2005年2月入浙江大学附属邵逸夫医院.查体:一般情况尚可,皮肤巩膜明显黄染,腹平软,无压痛,肝脾肋下未及.入院前曾到当地医院就诊,ERCP提示:肝内外胆管扩张,未见结石.CA19-9:1617 U/ml,总胆红素142 mg/L,直接胆红素98 mg/L;入住我院后再行ERCP检查并行鼻胆管引流,ERCP活检阴性,经2周鼻胆管引流后黄疸消退;超声内镜提示:胰头部
承接国家级重大科研项目的华中科技大学纳米药业有限公司 2 0 0 2年 1 0月下旬宣布 ,该公司累计已有 1 0多项纳米药物获发明专利。这表明中国纳米医药技术研究经过多年努力取
从对2016年高考理综新课标卷Ⅰ第16题的多视角解法出发,评析解法,研究高考,以期获取对中学物理日常教学的一些启示。 Starting with the multi-perspective solution to Que
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[Objective]To investigate the extraction technology of saponins from lily(Lilium brownii) and the anti-depressant activity of saponins. [Methods]The saponins ex
元宝山区质量技术监督局新领导班子上任几个月来 ,坚持一手抓体改上划 ,一手抓工作运转 ,不等、不靠 ,深入调查研究 ,制定工作计划 ,狠抓业务衔接 ,使质量技术监督工作有条不