针对一般城市供水水源 ,建立了优化调度模型。运用大系统分解协调原理 ,将系统优化调度模型分解为m个子系统 ,分析推导了子系统间协调变量的优化迭代公式 ,采用逐步优化算法求解子优化模型。提出了系统优化调度模型的求解步骤 ,给出了优化调度软件系统主菜单。最后 ,应用优化调度模型进行西安市市区供水水源优化调度实例研究 ,得出有益于西安市发展的优化调度策略和建议
For the general urban water supply, an optimal scheduling model is established. By using the principle of large system decomposition and coordination, the optimal scheduling model of the system is decomposed into m subsystems. The optimal iterative formula for the coordination variables among subsystems is analyzed and deduced. The suboptimal optimization model is solved by the stepwise optimization algorithm. The solving steps of the system optimal scheduling model are proposed, and the main menu of the optimal scheduling software system is given. Finally, the application of optimal scheduling model for urban water supply in Xi’an optimal scheduling case study, and draw the benefit of the development of Xi’an optimal scheduling strategy and recommendations