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或许谁都想不到,一直对楼市采取鼓励的上海市政府,在这个春天接连出台政策,来限制楼市的炒作。在新年之前,有不少的房地产业内人士还在谈论那条“期房限制转让”政策,大部分观点是,上海市政府准备出台这条政策仅仅是表示个姿态而已,并不是真的想让这条政策出来,因此,去年底传出要出台这条政策的时候并没有公布政策出台的具体时间。一位经常跟市政府打交道的房产商认为,期房限制转让不符合有关法律,如果这条政策要出来,那就需要修改上海的很多法律法规,而且,如果真的要限制炒楼,用税收的办法似乎更有效。言外之意很明显,他认为上海市政府只是拿一条不大可能实施的政策来向那些叫嚷上海房价过高的百姓表姿态,以免落下“政府不作为”的骂名。他这样判断的另外一个依据是,去年上海 GDP 上涨11.9%中房地产贡献了不少。而 GDP 数据正是评价政府业绩的一个重要依据。这些房地产业内人士的观点也基本得到了市场的共识,市场上消息刚刚颁布时的紧张气氛逐步趋向缓和,在持续几个月没有动静的观望状态之后,一些炒房者又稳下心来,二手房市场上期房转让的情况又开始趋于平稳。现在的情况或许是他想不到的,不但期房限制转让这条政策马上就要实施了,而且,有关部门还出台了其他不少限制炒楼的政 Perhaps no one can think of, the Shanghai municipal government has been encouraging on the property market, issued a series of policies in this spring, to limit the speculation in the property market. Before the New Year, quite a few real estate professionals were still talking about the “transfer restriction on 期房” policy. Most of the views that the Shanghai municipal government is preparing to introduce this policy are just gestures and do not really want to make this Therefore, at the end of last year it was announced that it would not be possible to announce the specific time when the policy was introduced. A realtor who deals with the municipal government often believes that the transfer of the 期房 restriction does not comply with the relevant laws. If this policy is to be implemented, then many laws and regulations in Shanghai will need to be revised. If the real estate speculation is to be limited, The solution seems to be more effective. The implication is obvious, he believes that the Shanghai municipal government just take an impractical policy to those who shouted Shanghai housing prices are too high, so as to avoid falling “government inaction” infamy. Another basis for his judgment is that last year Shanghai GDP rose 11.9% in real estate contributed a lot. The GDP data is an important basis for evaluating the performance of the government. These real estate industry insiders also basically got the consensus of the market, the news market just released when the tense atmosphere tends to ease gradually, after a few months without moving wait and see state, some real estate speculators and steady, second-hand housing Futures on the market transfer of the situation began to stabilize again. Now the situation may be he can not think of, not only 期房 restrictions on the transfer of this policy will be implemented soon, but also the authorities also introduced a number of other restrictions on property management
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