阅读材料,回答问题:2006年8月5日,热带风暴“桑美”(SAOMAI)在太平洋洋面上生成,生成后向西北方向移动。9日“桑美”强度迅速增强,傍晚加强为超强台风,并于10日下午5时25分在浙江省苍南县登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力有17级(60米/秒),中心附近最低气压为920hpa。1.台风多形成于____上,其影响下的天气特点是____,对我国江南农业生产的有利影响是____。世界上____地区和____地区也是该天气系统盛行的地区。2.“桑美”登陆地苍南县位于浙江省东南隅,是“温州模式”的主要发祥地。其工业生产的主要特点是 ( )A.生产规模大,资金密集程度高B.由企业独立完成一种商品的制造C.生产活动由大型企业集中进行D.用市场交易协调企业之间的关系3.我国是世界上受台风影响最大的国家之一,台风灾害主要发生在A.1月~3月 B.4月~6月C.7月~9月 D.10月~12月4.根据不同的灾种特征、预警能力等,确定不同灾种的预警分
Read the material and answer the question: On August 5, 2006, a tropical storm “SAOMAI” was created on the Pacific Ocean and then moved northwestward. On the 9th, the strength of “Sangmei” rapidly increased. In the evening, it intensified into a super typhoon and landed in Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province at 5:25 p.m. on the 10th. Upon landing, the maximum wind power near the center reached 17 (60 m / s) , The minimum pressure near the center is 920hpa. 1. Typhoon and more formed in ____, the weather under the influence of the characteristics of ____, on the beneficial effects of agricultural production in southern China is ____. The ____ and ____ regions of the world are also areas where the weather system prevails. 2. “Sangmei” Land Cangnan County is located in the southeast corner of Zhejiang Province, is the “Wenzhou mode” the main cradle. The main features of its industrial production () A. Large-scale production, high capital intensity B. By the completion of a business independent of the manufacture of goods C. Production activities by the concentration of large enterprises D. Using market transactions to coordinate the relationship between enterprises 3. China is one of the countries most affected by the typhoon in the world. Typhoon disasters mainly occur from January to March B. April to June C. July to September D. October to December 4. According to different disaster characteristics, early warning capabilities, etc., to determine the different types of early warning points