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民间流传着这样一个故事:有瞎子、聋子、歪脖子三人同看一台戏。戏毕,三人展开评论。瞎子说:戏唱得很好,就是没有表演好。聋子反驳说:不对,戏演得很好,就是没有唱好。歪脖子反驳说:你俩都说错了,戏唱得好,表演得也好,就是戏台搭歪了。三人争得面红耳赤,不欢而散。有人说故事里的事是秀才编出来的。若说准确些,应该是秀才们从社会生活中总结出来的。现实生活中仍然不乏故事中的原形。对一些地方兴建保龄球馆、高尔夫球场等高消费设施,世人就褒贬不一。有人说玩的大多是公款,加在了接待支出款中,单位不堪重负;有人说教师工资拖欠,下岗工人低保生活费不能足额兑现,贫困家庭的孩子上不起学,而花大额公款娱乐,玩散了党群关系;也有人说兴建娱乐设施是优化投资环境,是振兴地方经济的有效举措,同时,也是一个地方经济繁荣的重要标志,不要因为没有吃到葡萄而说葡萄酸嘛!县委书记的榜样——焦裕禄,带领人民群众改变贫穷落后的面貌,活活累死在治风治沙的战场上。广大人民群众都说他心里装着全体人民,唯独没 Folk circulated such a story: there are blind, deaf, crooked neck and the same trio to watch a drama. Play completed, three commented. The blind man said: The opera sings well, that is, it does not perform well. Deaf retorted: No, the play is very good, that is, there is no good singing. Crooked neck counterattack said: You both are wrong, play well, perform too well, is the stage take the wrong. The three won fame, broke up. Some people say that the story is compiled by the scholar. If accurate, it should be the scholar summed up from the social life. In real life there is no lack of the original form in the story. For some places to build bowling alley, golf courses and other high-spending facilities, the world mixed reviews. Some people say that most of the play is public funds, plus spending on the reception, the unit overwhelmed; some say teachers arrears, subsistence allowances subsistence allowances can not be fully honored, poor families can not afford to go to school children, and spend large sums of money Entertainment, play scattered scattered between the party and the masses; also said that the construction of recreational facilities is to optimize the investment environment is an effective measure to rejuvenate the local economy, but also an important symbol of local economic prosperity, do not eat grapes because not grapes County Party Secretary model - Jiao, lead the people to change the face of poverty and backwardness, alive and exhausted in the battlefield governance of the wind and sand. The majority of the people said that he was filled with all the people in his heart
萨姆·韦伯(Sam Webb)是美国著名活动家,从2000年开始出任美国共产党主席。他认为,世界上不存在普适的社会主义道路与社会主义模式,暴力的社会主义道路在美国基本行不通。美