说到将青瓷制品与花艺、茶道结合,这份灵感源于他与朋友的一次聚会。那次喝茶时,他被茶具、花器所吸引,并有幸结识了几位来自中国台湾的茶道老师和来自日本的花艺大师。在与他们的交谈中,顾少波突发奇想:自己若能将花艺与茶道融入青瓷作品中,视顾客的需求打造不同的青瓷器型,这样的青瓷产品不就更具实用性了吗?回来后,他参考了网上的一些茶盏和花器的照片,又自己动手设计,并将样品照片发送给相遇的几位大师,请他们提出修改意见。当第一批茶盏和花器发往日本等地后,竟获得好评。自此以后,订单络绎不绝。 順乎文创产业的快速发展,前不久,顾少波还为绍兴兰亭开发了一款文创产品。这是一套以一对男女使用的茶具为组合的“忆兰亭”快客杯。定睛细看,其创意满满:茶杯中间两边的手把纽平面上刻有王羲之的“之”字,杯盖的盖纽是用“鹅”形制作的,杯子底部中间则刻有“永和”字样——既是对“永和九年”的纪念,也蕴含着“永远和和美美”的意思。其中男士使用的杯子选用了魏晋时期越窑青瓷的釉色,显得古朴、稳重;而女士使用的杯子则选用唐五代的秘色釉,给人以温润、细腻的感觉。
At 30 in 2018, Gu Shaobo, a celadon master based in Shangyu, a district of Shaoxing City in eastern Zhejiang, has long since established himself as a brilliant genius of celadon designing and making. For his celadon creations, he has won 26 gold prizes at the national level, including six issued by China Light Industry Association. Some of his masterpieces are in private and institutional collections.
Few would know that Gu Shaobo worked as a chef before he turned to celadon making. A graduate from a culinary school, he worked at a restaurant of a five-star hotel in Ningbo. His vegetable and fruit sculptures won him many professional glories.
In August 2010, the 22-year-old chef resigned from his job and went home to study celadon making under the guidance of his maternal uncle Dong Wenhai, a provincial master of arts and crafts who used to work at Shangyu Porcelain Factory. This career change has brought fundamental changes in the young man. Though he had never put his hands on celadon making before, he soon fell in love with the wonderful art. He determined to dedicate his life to celadon making. Over the following four years, he studied and mastered the essentials and eventually set up his own research institute.
The first important step he took in mastering the ancient art was to go back to the past. He visited the sites of ancient kilns around Shangyu. He collected the porcelain shards and studied them piece by piece. He soon acquired a thorough knowledge of renowned kiln sites and little-known kiln sites in the region. A thorough study of the shards opened his eyes to the secrets of production procedures at different kilns of different dynasties.
He thought he was ready to make his own celadon pieces. But the first batch was a total failure, for he made a mistake in opening the chimney when the firing was done. The costly failure was a precious lesson. He learned to pay attention to all the details. In the first few years, he spent nearly all the time studying the details of celadon making. With a shard which was smaller than 5 square centimeters as a prototype, he miraculously reproduced a celadon piece in the style of the Tang dynasty.
Gu rose to national fame in October 2013 when he first took his celadon artworks to a national competition. Two of his celadon pieces won respectively a gold medal and a bronze medal. At 25, he was the youngest winner. After the debut in 2013, he became a constant winner of gold medals. When in his apprentice years, Gu focused on making the body and carving patterns on the body. He seldom put his hands on glazing and firing, the two key steps in celadon making. After he set up his own research institute, he shifted his focus onto the key steps. He read books and consulted masters so as to avoid making mistakes. He studied under many masters. Their generous tips and teachings benefited him a great deal.
While learning about the ancient techniques in celadon making, he pondered the next step he was going to take, with the major techniques successfully restored and mastered. His answer was to bring innovation into celadon and bring celadon into everyday life. His aim was to make household celadon pieces so as to make celadon a part of life.
His first inspiration came when he met with some tea masters from Taiwan and florist masters from Japan. When the conversation turned to utensils used in the tea ceremony and the flower ceremony, he thought he could make better celadon pieces for these ceremonies. Back home, he searched online and designed some pieces. He sent the photos of his prototypes to the masters he had met before and asked them for comments and advice. The first batch of tea sets and flower utensils he sent to Japan was well received. Orders came in.
As Zhejiang is promoting the protection and utilization of the Yue Kiln and celadon making, his business is going to tap into the opportunities opened up in the fields of culture, tourism, leisure events, souvenirs, communication. He is going to position his business and contribute his bit to the development of the province’s celadon industry.
说到将青瓷制品与花艺、茶道结合,这份灵感源于他与朋友的一次聚会。那次喝茶时,他被茶具、花器所吸引,并有幸结识了几位来自中国台湾的茶道老师和来自日本的花艺大师。在与他们的交谈中,顾少波突发奇想:自己若能将花艺与茶道融入青瓷作品中,视顾客的需求打造不同的青瓷器型,这样的青瓷产品不就更具实用性了吗?回来后,他参考了网上的一些茶盏和花器的照片,又自己动手设计,并将样品照片发送给相遇的几位大师,请他们提出修改意见。当第一批茶盏和花器发往日本等地后,竟获得好评。自此以后,订单络绎不绝。 順乎文创产业的快速发展,前不久,顾少波还为绍兴兰亭开发了一款文创产品。这是一套以一对男女使用的茶具为组合的“忆兰亭”快客杯。定睛细看,其创意满满:茶杯中间两边的手把纽平面上刻有王羲之的“之”字,杯盖的盖纽是用“鹅”形制作的,杯子底部中间则刻有“永和”字样——既是对“永和九年”的纪念,也蕴含着“永远和和美美”的意思。其中男士使用的杯子选用了魏晋时期越窑青瓷的釉色,显得古朴、稳重;而女士使用的杯子则选用唐五代的秘色釉,给人以温润、细腻的感觉。
At 30 in 2018, Gu Shaobo, a celadon master based in Shangyu, a district of Shaoxing City in eastern Zhejiang, has long since established himself as a brilliant genius of celadon designing and making. For his celadon creations, he has won 26 gold prizes at the national level, including six issued by China Light Industry Association. Some of his masterpieces are in private and institutional collections.
Few would know that Gu Shaobo worked as a chef before he turned to celadon making. A graduate from a culinary school, he worked at a restaurant of a five-star hotel in Ningbo. His vegetable and fruit sculptures won him many professional glories.
In August 2010, the 22-year-old chef resigned from his job and went home to study celadon making under the guidance of his maternal uncle Dong Wenhai, a provincial master of arts and crafts who used to work at Shangyu Porcelain Factory. This career change has brought fundamental changes in the young man. Though he had never put his hands on celadon making before, he soon fell in love with the wonderful art. He determined to dedicate his life to celadon making. Over the following four years, he studied and mastered the essentials and eventually set up his own research institute.
The first important step he took in mastering the ancient art was to go back to the past. He visited the sites of ancient kilns around Shangyu. He collected the porcelain shards and studied them piece by piece. He soon acquired a thorough knowledge of renowned kiln sites and little-known kiln sites in the region. A thorough study of the shards opened his eyes to the secrets of production procedures at different kilns of different dynasties.
He thought he was ready to make his own celadon pieces. But the first batch was a total failure, for he made a mistake in opening the chimney when the firing was done. The costly failure was a precious lesson. He learned to pay attention to all the details. In the first few years, he spent nearly all the time studying the details of celadon making. With a shard which was smaller than 5 square centimeters as a prototype, he miraculously reproduced a celadon piece in the style of the Tang dynasty.
Gu rose to national fame in October 2013 when he first took his celadon artworks to a national competition. Two of his celadon pieces won respectively a gold medal and a bronze medal. At 25, he was the youngest winner. After the debut in 2013, he became a constant winner of gold medals. When in his apprentice years, Gu focused on making the body and carving patterns on the body. He seldom put his hands on glazing and firing, the two key steps in celadon making. After he set up his own research institute, he shifted his focus onto the key steps. He read books and consulted masters so as to avoid making mistakes. He studied under many masters. Their generous tips and teachings benefited him a great deal.
While learning about the ancient techniques in celadon making, he pondered the next step he was going to take, with the major techniques successfully restored and mastered. His answer was to bring innovation into celadon and bring celadon into everyday life. His aim was to make household celadon pieces so as to make celadon a part of life.
His first inspiration came when he met with some tea masters from Taiwan and florist masters from Japan. When the conversation turned to utensils used in the tea ceremony and the flower ceremony, he thought he could make better celadon pieces for these ceremonies. Back home, he searched online and designed some pieces. He sent the photos of his prototypes to the masters he had met before and asked them for comments and advice. The first batch of tea sets and flower utensils he sent to Japan was well received. Orders came in.
As Zhejiang is promoting the protection and utilization of the Yue Kiln and celadon making, his business is going to tap into the opportunities opened up in the fields of culture, tourism, leisure events, souvenirs, communication. He is going to position his business and contribute his bit to the development of the province’s celadon industry.