法国大诗人和作家雨果写过一首《修道院所见》的诗篇。其中第十四节第十四行是这样写的: “……壁虎,浴着月光,在大粪池里跑着。”巴尔扎克看了这诗以后,很不以为然。他说: “雨果先生在潮湿地方找得到壁虎,是一种宝贵的发现,值得送到博物馆,而博物馆还非当作新种看待不可。壁虎喜欢太阳,活在干躁的地方。我指出这个错误,因为艾弥麦拉尔达在《圣母院》已经拿面包喂过燕子。”巴尔扎克对雨果是很钦敬的,但是,对雨果诗中不真实的细节描写的批评却毫不留情。
The French poet and writer Hugo wrote a poem entitled “Abbey See”. The fourteenth fourteenth line is written like this: “... Gecko, bathed in the moonlight, ran in the septic tank.” After Balzac saw this poem, he disagreed. He said: “Hugo gecko is found in wet places, is a valuable discovery, it is worth to send to the museum, and the museum is not treated as a new breed. Gekko like the sun, living in a dry place .I pointed out This is a mistake, because Ai Mi Meier Erda has been feeding swallows on bread in ”Notre Dame." Balzac is very respectful of Hugo, but criticism of the unrealistic portrayal of Hugo Mercilessly