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《战争与和平》是19世纪世界文学伟大的杰作,小说描写了1812年库图佐夫领导的反对拿破仑的卫国战争和俄国社会贵族家庭生活。“托尔斯泰开始构思《战争与和平》的时间,恰好在1861年俄国农奴改革前后,俄国现实生活的动荡,迫使作家把眼光转向祖国的历史,去寻找变革社会的良 ”War and Peace“ is a great masterpiece of world literature in the 19th century. The novel describes the patriotic war against Napoleon and the Russian nobleman family life led by Kutuzov in 1812. Tolstoy began to conceive the time of ”war and peace." Just before and after the Russian serfdom reform in 1861, the turmoil in real life in Russia forced the writer to turn his eyes on the history of the motherland and look for good ways to change society
目的:  揭示泛发性脓疱型银屑病IL36RN基因突变与临床表型的相关性;研究不同IL36RN基因突变类型的GPP家系血清IL36Ra和IL36γ水平差异,探索携带IL36RN突变基因的正常人不发病