根据草海0.73 Ma.B.P的沉积记录和林树基等的草海研究成果,结合威宁地区喀斯特环境特征,以及贵州喀斯特溶洞及层状地貌、新构造运动等,确定了草海泥炭沼泽发育与喀斯特夷平面、层状溶洞、河流阶地之间的关系,大尺度上恢复喀斯特环境的侵蚀速率。建立了威宁地区岩溶发育期次,即经历了较强—缓慢—强烈—缓慢—强烈的五个发育阶段。认为喀斯特岩溶发育严格受构造控制,并且新构造运动是威宁地区喀斯特侵蚀速率主要控制因素。这一大尺度研究方法,为贵州喀斯特环境变迁的研究提供了新的研究思路。
According to the sedimentary record of Caohai 0.73 Ma.BP and the grass-sea research results of LinShuJi et al., Combining with the karst environmental characteristics in Kweining region, karst caves, stratiform landform and neotectonic movement in Kweichow, The relationship between the planation, caves and river terraces, and the erosion rate of the restoration of karst environment on a large scale. The development stage of karst in Weining area was established, that is, it experienced five stages of development, ie strong-slow-strong-slow-intense. It is considered that the development of karst karst is strictly controlled by tectonics, and neotectonic movement is the main controlling factor of karst erosion rate in Weining. This large-scale research method provides a new research idea for the study of karst environmental change in Guizhou.