今年9月21日,对台湾人民来说是一个永志难忘的黑色日千。 那天凌晨1点47分,台湾中西部地区发生了里氏震级7.6级强烈地震。这是台湾岛近百年来发生的最强烈的地震。地震时,山崩地裂,大地摇撼,顷刻间数万间房屋破坏倒塌,震中区的城镇被夷为一片废墟。建筑物的破坏导致2千余人死亡,8千余人受伤,十多万人无家可归;同时,由于地震对公共设施的摧
On September 21 this year, it is an unforgettable black day for the Taiwanese people. At 1:47 a.m., a strong Richter Scale magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit central and western Taiwan. This is the strongest earthquake in Taiwan in nearly a hundred years. During the earthquake, landslides and earth shakes, tens of thousands of houses collapsed instantaneously, and the towns and villages in the epicenter area were reduced to ruins. More than 2,000 people were killed, more than 8,000 were injured and more than 100,000 were homeless due to the destruction of buildings. At the same time, due to the destruction of public facilities by the earthquake