于1980年6~9月在湖北省武汉等七个县(市)有代表性的不同类型棉田分别调查了各代棉红铃虫卵的寄生天敌,共调查21次,采得卵10501粒,出蜂共177头(♀98、♂79),寄生率为1.69%。经鉴定,全为拟澳洲赤眼蜂Trichogramma confusum Viggiani。在不同地区各代棉红铃虫卵被寄生率有差异,总寄生率在第一、二、三代分别为2%、0.31%和2.93%,第三代高于第一代,第二代最低,武汉地区各代寄生率分别为2%、
From June to September in 1980, Wuhan, Hubei Province, Wuhan and other seven counties (cities) representative of different types of cotton fields were investigated in all generations of cotton bollworm eggs parasitic natural enemies, a total of 21 surveys, Out of a total of 177 bees (♀ 98, ♂ 79), the parasitism rate was 1.69%. It has been identified as Trichogramma confusum Viggiani. In different regions, there was a difference in the parasitism rates of the eggs of H. armigera. The total parasitism rates were 2%, 0.31% and 2.93% respectively in the first, second and third generations, the third generation was higher than the first generation and the second generation was the lowest , The generations of parasites in Wuhan area were 2%