一、化学危险品的采购 化学危险品的采购必须根据国务院批准的“化学危险品凭证经营采购暂行办法”的规定办理,按手续领取采购证,向经营化学危险品的商店购买。 二、化学危险品的提运 1.装运化学危险品时,必须谨慎小心,严防震动、撞击、摩擦、重压和倾倒。装运气瓶时,要旋紧瓶帽,轻装轻卸,防止碰撞。 2.性质互相抵触的化学危险品,如氢气和氧气等,不得同车混装。 3.易燃品,油脂或带有油污的物品,不得与氧气瓶和强氧化剂同车装运。
I. Purchase of Chemical Dangerous Goods The purchase of chemical dangerous goods must be handled in accordance with the Provisional Measures for the Operation and Procurement of Chemical Dangerous Goods Vouchers approved by the State Council. Procurement licenses shall be obtained according to the procedures and purchased from the stores dealing in chemical dangerous goods. Second, the transport of chemical dangerous goods 1. The shipment of dangerous chemicals, must be careful to prevent vibration, impact, friction, stress and dumping. When shipping gas cylinders, tighten the bottle cap, lightly loaded and unloaded to prevent collision. 2. Dangerous chemical substances that are incompatible in nature, such as hydrogen and oxygen, shall not be mixed with the vehicle. 3. Flammable, grease or oil-contaminated items may not be shipped with oxygen bottles and strong oxidizing agents.