制定超高的目标 通用电气资本公司:我们预期的利润增长率是每年20%以上。当你制定这样离谱的目标时,你就会被迫以不同的方式考虑各种机会。 说服员工“为离谱的目标努力其实并不离谱”需要技巧。仅仅激励他们还不够,你得拿出真实的例子,说明出人头地确实可能。例如,问问你的同事,如果做莴苣生意他们会怎样,你无法给莴苣安装奔腾芯片,让那些绿叶数字化并在因特网上畅游也绝非易事。但是,幸亏有了新鲜
Make ultrahigh targets GE Capital: We expect a profit growth of more than 20% a year. When you set such an outrageous goal, you are forced to consider different opportunities in different ways. It is tricky to persuade employees to “work really hard to get out of order.” Just to motivate them is not enough, you have to come up with real examples of what is really possible. For example, ask your coworkers what they would do if they were in a lettuce business. You could not install a Pentium chip to a lettuce. It was never easy to digitize those green leaves and surf the Internet. However, thanks to fresh