The international financial crisis highlights the shortcomings of the current international monetary system. How to get rid of the shackles of the U.S. dollar and build a stable international monetary system under the framework of an effective and symmetrical accountability of creditor countries and debtor countries requires a fundamental shift in the thinking mode of the global economy. Although the U.S. dollar standard has been questioned due to the global financial crisis, the dollar-dominated world monetary pattern may not have undergone fundamental changes in the future. The core of China’s international monetary strategy is not to seek to completely change the international monetary system but to make claims on the basis of its own needs so as to effectively promote the process of RMB internationalization while at the same time guaranteeing that the domestic financial system and asset pricing system are protected from major issues in the long run Impact. In the post-crisis era, we should find a new engine of international growth for the Chinese economy and create a more effective exchange rate system, thus enabling China to participate more actively and effectively in the current reform of the governance structure of the international monetary system.