【摘要】目的探討遗传因素对HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败的影响。方法选择母亲血清HBsAg阳性、经联合免疫后发生HBV阻断失败的12例婴儿为研究对象,7月龄时抽取肘静脉血,提取DNA,对其进行HLADPB1、HLADPB2等2个基因中3个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点(rs2281388、rs9277535、rs9366816)的PCR扩增测序,分析目的SNP位点的碱基组成和等位基因比例,统计不同位点的基因频率,并与国际千人基因组计划中的中国南方人群比较。结果12例HBV母婴阻断失败婴儿的rs9277535位点GA基因型频率与中国南方人群比较差异有统计学意义(P<005),且GA基因型与AA基因型相比,新生儿感染HBV的风险较低(OR=0064,95% CI 0006~0641);rs9366816的C等位基因频率与中国南方人群比较差异有统计学意义(P<005),且C等位基因与T等位基因相比,新生儿感染HBV的风险较高(OR=2585,95% CI 1008~6629);HBV母婴阻断失败婴儿的rs2281388各基因型及等位基因频率与中国南方人群比较差异无统计学意义(P均>005)。结论rs9277535(HLADPB1)的GA基因型可能是HBV母婴传播的保护性因素,rs9366816(HLADPB2)的C等位基因可能是HBV母婴传播的危险性因素。
Study of the polymorphism of HLA gene in the failure of blockage of mothertochild transmission of hepatitis B virus:a report of 12 casesYao Lin, She Qin, Yin Yuzhu Department of Obstetrics, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510630, China
Corresponding author, Yin Yuzhu, Email: yyzst2011@163com
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of genetic factors on the failure of immune blockage of mothertochild transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) MethodsTwelve infants presenting with the failure of HBV transmission blockage after combined immunotherapy and positive serum HBsAg of their mothers were recruited in this investigation The venous blood samples were collected from the elbows of the 7monthold infants DNA extraction was performed Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs2281388, rs9277535 and rs9366816) at the HLADPB1 and HLADPB2 loci were subject to PCR amplification sequencing The base composition and allele proportion of the target SNP sites were analyzed The gene frequencies at different loci were statistically compared with those in the southern Chinese population recorded in the 1000s Genomes Project ResultsThe frequencies of GA genotype of rs9277535 significantly differed between 12 infants with the failure of HBV transmission blockage and the population from southern China (P<005) The infants with GA genotype had a lower risk of HBV infection compared with their counterparts with AA genotype (OR=0064,95% CI: 00060641) The frequency of C allele of rs9366816 also significantly differed from that of the southern population (P<005) The infants with C allele had a higher risk of HBV infection compared with those with T allele (OR=2585, 95% CI: 10086629) However, there was no significant difference in the frequencies of rs2281388 genotypes and alleles between 12 infants and those from southern China (all P> 005) ConclusionThe GA genotype of rs9277535 (HLADPB1) may be a protective factor, whereas the C allele of rs9366816 (HLADPB2) is probably a risk factor of mothertochild transmission of HBV 【Key words】Hepatitis B virus; Mothertochild transmission; Susceptibility gene;
Single nucleotide polymorphisms
HBV母婴传播是导致人群携带HBV的主要原因。研究发现,孕妇血清HBeAg阳性和HBV DNA高水平是HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败的危险因素[12]。然而,并非所有具有高危因素的孕妇所分娩的新生儿都发生免疫阻断失败。HBV母婴阻断失败除了与病原学特征、环境、遗传背景等因素有关外,还可能与宿主存在HBV感染的易感基因有关。有报道,与健康人群相比,慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者的HLA基因中存在与HBV在成年人之间水平传播相关的基因型[39]。本研究拟从寻找HBV感染相关易感基因着手,探讨遗传因素对HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败的影响,现报告如下。
免疫阻断失败是指新生儿出生时HBsAg和(或)HBV DNA阳性并持续阳性至7月龄。HBV DNA阳性指血液中的HBV数量超过了HBVDNA正常值(100 IU/ml)。
新生儿于出生24 h内尽早肌内注射乙肝Ig 100 U,并按0、1、6方案接种重组酵母乙肝疫苗10 μg进行主被动联合免疫。分别于出生时联合免疫前以及7月龄时采集婴儿肘静脉血,进行HBV血清标志物(HBsAg、抗HBs、HBeAg、抗HBe、抗HBc)的检测。
国际千人基因组计划(https: //www ncbi nlm nih gov/variation/tools/1000genomes/),是由中英美德等国科学家共同承担研究任务,绘制了迄今为止最详尽的、最有医学应用价值的人类基因组遗传多态性图谱,其测序人群包含了以广东人群为主的中国南方人群。采用DNAMAN软件对比DNA序列评估测序结果,Chromas软件分析测序峰图,统计目的SNP位点的碱基组成和等位基因比例,计算不同位点的杂合率,并与国际千人基因组计划中的中国南方人群比较。
采用SPSS 220处理数据。计数资料以百分率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。采用二分类Logistic回归模型分析各基因型与儿童感染HBV的关系,计算优势比(OR)和95%可信区间(CI)。P<005为差异有统计学意义。
2009年,日本全基因组研究中心首次提出HLADPB1的rs9277535与日本成年人CHB有关[34]。针对中国人群的研究也表明rs9277535与CHB有关,提出HLADP的基因多态性在成年人HBV感染中扮演重要的角色,该研究还证实了rs9277535的A等位基因与HBV的清除有关,能降低中国汉族人罹患CHB的风险[57]。另有研究发现,HLADPB2 的rs9366816与HBV的持续性感染有关[8]。2016年Fan等[9]的研究表明,HLADP基因上的rs9277535 GG基因型、rs9366816 TC基因型和rs2281388 GA基因型与成年人HBV持续性感染相关,并進一步发现rs9277535的GA基因型与HBV母婴阻断失败后感染有关。
本研究对12例免疫阻断失败儿童外周血中的3个相关SNP位点进行了PCR扩增测序和分析,并与中国南方人群的基因频率相比,结果显示rs9277535(HLADPB1)和rs9366816(HLADPB2)的基因型或等位基因频率与中国南方人群比较差异有统计学意义,提示这2个位点可能与免疫阻断失败有关。其中免疫阻断失败儿童的rs9277535的GA基因型频率为8%,远低于中国南方人群的47%,和Fan等[9]的研究结论一致。他们的研究认为, rs9277535的GA基因型与儿童免疫阻断失败后感染有关。本研究提示,HLADPB1基因上rs9277535的GA基因型可能是HBV感染的保护性基因型,具有此基因型者,可能会降低HBV的母婴感染率。既往研究证实,HLADPB2基因rs9366816的CT基因型与成年人的HBV持续性感染有关[89]。本研究中,12例免疫阻断失败儿童的rs9366816 CT基因型频率(33%)与中国南方人群(49%)相近。但免疫阻断失败儿童rs9366816的C等位基因频率为67%,高于中国南方人群的基因频率(43%),提示rs9366816的C等位基因可能是HBV感染的易感基因,不仅能导致成年人的持续性HBV感染,还可能会增加HBV母婴阻断失败的风险。既往研究发现,rs2281388 CT基因型与成年人慢性HBV感染有关[9]。在本研究免疫阻断失败儿童中的rs2281388 CT基因型频率为50%,与中国南方人群的基因型频率(47%)相近,可能与本研究的样本量较小有关;也可能提示由于儿童的免疫系统与成人相比尚未完全发育,从而存在不同的免疫机制有关,其与儿童HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败无关。 胎兒由于免疫系统的特殊性,其基因组中是否含有围生期感染HBV的易感基因型尚不明确。本研究中,虽然在免疫阻断失败儿童中发现了2个SNP位点与南方人群中的基因型频率存在差异,但由于病例数较少,尚不能说明其与HBV感染相关,需要在后续的研究中,进一步扩大样本量和增加目的SNP位点,继续探讨遗传因素对HBV母婴阻断失败的影响,进而为在人群中筛选具有遗传易感性的高危个体,并对其采取针对性的预防措施或治疗手段,为减少HBV的母婴传播和控制慢性 HBV感染提供理论与实验指导。
[1]Yin Y, Wu L, Zhang J, Zhou J, Zhang P, Hou HIdentification of risk factors associated with immunoprophylaxis failure to prevent the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virusJ Infect,2013,66(5):447452
[2]Han GR, Cao MK, Zhao W, Jiang HX, Wang CM, Bai SF, Yue X, Wang GJ, Tang X, Fang ZXA prospective and openlabel study for the efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnancy for the prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infectionJ Hepatol,2011,55(6):12151221
[3]Kamatani Y, Wattanapokayakit S, Ochi H, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi A, Hosono N, Kubo M, Tsunoda T, Kamatani N, Kumada H, Puseenam A, Sura T, Daigo Y, Chayama K, Chantratita W, Nakamura Y, Matsuda KA genomewide association study identifies variants in the HLADP locus associated with chronic hepatitis B in AsiansNat Genet,2009,41(5):591595
[4]Mbarek H, Ochi H, Urabe Y, Kumar V, Kubo M, Hosono N, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Miki D, Abe H, Tsunoda T, Kamatani N, Chayama K, Nakamura Y, Matsuda KA genomewide association study of chronic hepatitis B identified novel risk locus in a Japanese populationHum Mol Genet,2011,20(19):38843892
[5]Wang L, Wu XP, Zhang W, Zhu DH, Wang Y, Li YP, Tian Y, Li RC, Li Z, Zhu X, Li JH, Cai J, Liu L, Miao XP, Liu Y, Li HEvaluation of genetic susceptibility loci for chronic hepatitis B in Chinese: two independent casecontrol studiesPLoS One,2011,6(3):e17608
[6]An P, Winkler C, Guan L, OBrien SJ, Zeng Z, HBV Study Consortium A common HLADPA1 variant is a major determinant of hepatitis B virus clearance in Han ChineseJ Infect Dis,2011,203(7):943947
[7]Li J, Yang D, He Y, Wang M, Wen Z, Liu L, Yao J, Matsuda K, Nakamura Y, Yu J, Jiang X, Sun S, Liu Q, Jiang X, Song Q, Chen M, Yang H, Tang F, Hu X, Wang J, Chang Y, He X, Chen Y, Lin J Associations of HLADP variants with hepatitis B virus infection in southern and northern Han Chinese populations: a multicenter casecontrol studyPLoS One, 2011,6(8):e24221
[8]Chang SW, Fann CS, Su WH, Wang YC, Weng CC, Yu CJ, Hsu CL, Hsieh AR, Chien RN, Chu CM, Tai DIA genomewide association study on chronic HBV infection and its clinical progression in male HanTaiwanesePLoS One,2014,9(6):e99724
[9]Fan J, Huang X, Chen J, Cai Y, Xiong L, Mu L, Zhou L Host genetic variants in HLA loci influence risk for hepatitis B virus infection in children Hepat Mon,2016,16(8):e37786 [10]Han GR, Xu CL, Zhao W, Yang YFManagement of chronic hepatitis B in pregnancy World J Gastroenterol,2012,18(33):45174521
[11]徐靈, 张宇亮, 吴成志, 李仁杰,崔邦铨,董成林不同感染时期慢性乙型肝炎患者表面抗原状况研究临床和实验医学杂志, 2015 ,14(10) :822824
[12]WHO Draft global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis 20162021 Geneva:World Health Orgnization, 2015
[14]Wen WH, Chen HL, Ni YH, Hsu HY, Kao JH, Hu FC, Chang MHSecular trend of the viral genotype distribution in children with chronic hepatitis B virus infection after universal infant immunizationHepatology,2011,53(2):429436
[15]尹玉竹, 张培珍, 腾奔琦, 周瑾,侯红瑛 HBV 基因型、前S/S基因突变与HBV母婴传播免疫预防失败的关系 中国病理生理杂志, 2013, 29(9):16151619
[16]Yin Y, Wu L, Zhang J, Zhou J, Zhang P, Hou H Identification of risk factors associated with immunoprophylaxis failure to prevent the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virusJ Infect,2013,66(5):447452
Study of the polymorphism of HLA gene in the failure of blockage of mothertochild transmission of hepatitis B virus:a report of 12 casesYao Lin, She Qin, Yin Yuzhu Department of Obstetrics, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510630, China
Corresponding author, Yin Yuzhu, Email: yyzst2011@163com
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of genetic factors on the failure of immune blockage of mothertochild transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) MethodsTwelve infants presenting with the failure of HBV transmission blockage after combined immunotherapy and positive serum HBsAg of their mothers were recruited in this investigation The venous blood samples were collected from the elbows of the 7monthold infants DNA extraction was performed Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs2281388, rs9277535 and rs9366816) at the HLADPB1 and HLADPB2 loci were subject to PCR amplification sequencing The base composition and allele proportion of the target SNP sites were analyzed The gene frequencies at different loci were statistically compared with those in the southern Chinese population recorded in the 1000s Genomes Project ResultsThe frequencies of GA genotype of rs9277535 significantly differed between 12 infants with the failure of HBV transmission blockage and the population from southern China (P<005) The infants with GA genotype had a lower risk of HBV infection compared with their counterparts with AA genotype (OR=0064,95% CI: 00060641) The frequency of C allele of rs9366816 also significantly differed from that of the southern population (P<005) The infants with C allele had a higher risk of HBV infection compared with those with T allele (OR=2585, 95% CI: 10086629) However, there was no significant difference in the frequencies of rs2281388 genotypes and alleles between 12 infants and those from southern China (all P> 005) ConclusionThe GA genotype of rs9277535 (HLADPB1) may be a protective factor, whereas the C allele of rs9366816 (HLADPB2) is probably a risk factor of mothertochild transmission of HBV 【Key words】Hepatitis B virus; Mothertochild transmission; Susceptibility gene;
Single nucleotide polymorphisms
HBV母婴传播是导致人群携带HBV的主要原因。研究发现,孕妇血清HBeAg阳性和HBV DNA高水平是HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败的危险因素[12]。然而,并非所有具有高危因素的孕妇所分娩的新生儿都发生免疫阻断失败。HBV母婴阻断失败除了与病原学特征、环境、遗传背景等因素有关外,还可能与宿主存在HBV感染的易感基因有关。有报道,与健康人群相比,慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者的HLA基因中存在与HBV在成年人之间水平传播相关的基因型[39]。本研究拟从寻找HBV感染相关易感基因着手,探讨遗传因素对HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败的影响,现报告如下。
免疫阻断失败是指新生儿出生时HBsAg和(或)HBV DNA阳性并持续阳性至7月龄。HBV DNA阳性指血液中的HBV数量超过了HBVDNA正常值(100 IU/ml)。
新生儿于出生24 h内尽早肌内注射乙肝Ig 100 U,并按0、1、6方案接种重组酵母乙肝疫苗10 μg进行主被动联合免疫。分别于出生时联合免疫前以及7月龄时采集婴儿肘静脉血,进行HBV血清标志物(HBsAg、抗HBs、HBeAg、抗HBe、抗HBc)的检测。
国际千人基因组计划(https: //www ncbi nlm nih gov/variation/tools/1000genomes/),是由中英美德等国科学家共同承担研究任务,绘制了迄今为止最详尽的、最有医学应用价值的人类基因组遗传多态性图谱,其测序人群包含了以广东人群为主的中国南方人群。采用DNAMAN软件对比DNA序列评估测序结果,Chromas软件分析测序峰图,统计目的SNP位点的碱基组成和等位基因比例,计算不同位点的杂合率,并与国际千人基因组计划中的中国南方人群比较。
采用SPSS 220处理数据。计数资料以百分率表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。采用二分类Logistic回归模型分析各基因型与儿童感染HBV的关系,计算优势比(OR)和95%可信区间(CI)。P<005为差异有统计学意义。
2009年,日本全基因组研究中心首次提出HLADPB1的rs9277535与日本成年人CHB有关[34]。针对中国人群的研究也表明rs9277535与CHB有关,提出HLADP的基因多态性在成年人HBV感染中扮演重要的角色,该研究还证实了rs9277535的A等位基因与HBV的清除有关,能降低中国汉族人罹患CHB的风险[57]。另有研究发现,HLADPB2 的rs9366816与HBV的持续性感染有关[8]。2016年Fan等[9]的研究表明,HLADP基因上的rs9277535 GG基因型、rs9366816 TC基因型和rs2281388 GA基因型与成年人HBV持续性感染相关,并進一步发现rs9277535的GA基因型与HBV母婴阻断失败后感染有关。
本研究对12例免疫阻断失败儿童外周血中的3个相关SNP位点进行了PCR扩增测序和分析,并与中国南方人群的基因频率相比,结果显示rs9277535(HLADPB1)和rs9366816(HLADPB2)的基因型或等位基因频率与中国南方人群比较差异有统计学意义,提示这2个位点可能与免疫阻断失败有关。其中免疫阻断失败儿童的rs9277535的GA基因型频率为8%,远低于中国南方人群的47%,和Fan等[9]的研究结论一致。他们的研究认为, rs9277535的GA基因型与儿童免疫阻断失败后感染有关。本研究提示,HLADPB1基因上rs9277535的GA基因型可能是HBV感染的保护性基因型,具有此基因型者,可能会降低HBV的母婴感染率。既往研究证实,HLADPB2基因rs9366816的CT基因型与成年人的HBV持续性感染有关[89]。本研究中,12例免疫阻断失败儿童的rs9366816 CT基因型频率(33%)与中国南方人群(49%)相近。但免疫阻断失败儿童rs9366816的C等位基因频率为67%,高于中国南方人群的基因频率(43%),提示rs9366816的C等位基因可能是HBV感染的易感基因,不仅能导致成年人的持续性HBV感染,还可能会增加HBV母婴阻断失败的风险。既往研究发现,rs2281388 CT基因型与成年人慢性HBV感染有关[9]。在本研究免疫阻断失败儿童中的rs2281388 CT基因型频率为50%,与中国南方人群的基因型频率(47%)相近,可能与本研究的样本量较小有关;也可能提示由于儿童的免疫系统与成人相比尚未完全发育,从而存在不同的免疫机制有关,其与儿童HBV母婴传播免疫阻断失败无关。 胎兒由于免疫系统的特殊性,其基因组中是否含有围生期感染HBV的易感基因型尚不明确。本研究中,虽然在免疫阻断失败儿童中发现了2个SNP位点与南方人群中的基因型频率存在差异,但由于病例数较少,尚不能说明其与HBV感染相关,需要在后续的研究中,进一步扩大样本量和增加目的SNP位点,继续探讨遗传因素对HBV母婴阻断失败的影响,进而为在人群中筛选具有遗传易感性的高危个体,并对其采取针对性的预防措施或治疗手段,为减少HBV的母婴传播和控制慢性 HBV感染提供理论与实验指导。
[1]Yin Y, Wu L, Zhang J, Zhou J, Zhang P, Hou HIdentification of risk factors associated with immunoprophylaxis failure to prevent the vertical transmission of hepatitis B virusJ Infect,2013,66(5):447452
[2]Han GR, Cao MK, Zhao W, Jiang HX, Wang CM, Bai SF, Yue X, Wang GJ, Tang X, Fang ZXA prospective and openlabel study for the efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnancy for the prevention of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infectionJ Hepatol,2011,55(6):12151221
[3]Kamatani Y, Wattanapokayakit S, Ochi H, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi A, Hosono N, Kubo M, Tsunoda T, Kamatani N, Kumada H, Puseenam A, Sura T, Daigo Y, Chayama K, Chantratita W, Nakamura Y, Matsuda KA genomewide association study identifies variants in the HLADP locus associated with chronic hepatitis B in AsiansNat Genet,2009,41(5):591595
[4]Mbarek H, Ochi H, Urabe Y, Kumar V, Kubo M, Hosono N, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Miki D, Abe H, Tsunoda T, Kamatani N, Chayama K, Nakamura Y, Matsuda KA genomewide association study of chronic hepatitis B identified novel risk locus in a Japanese populationHum Mol Genet,2011,20(19):38843892
[5]Wang L, Wu XP, Zhang W, Zhu DH, Wang Y, Li YP, Tian Y, Li RC, Li Z, Zhu X, Li JH, Cai J, Liu L, Miao XP, Liu Y, Li HEvaluation of genetic susceptibility loci for chronic hepatitis B in Chinese: two independent casecontrol studiesPLoS One,2011,6(3):e17608
[6]An P, Winkler C, Guan L, OBrien SJ, Zeng Z, HBV Study Consortium A common HLADPA1 variant is a major determinant of hepatitis B virus clearance in Han ChineseJ Infect Dis,2011,203(7):943947
[7]Li J, Yang D, He Y, Wang M, Wen Z, Liu L, Yao J, Matsuda K, Nakamura Y, Yu J, Jiang X, Sun S, Liu Q, Jiang X, Song Q, Chen M, Yang H, Tang F, Hu X, Wang J, Chang Y, He X, Chen Y, Lin J Associations of HLADP variants with hepatitis B virus infection in southern and northern Han Chinese populations: a multicenter casecontrol studyPLoS One, 2011,6(8):e24221
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