《红旗》杂志一九七三年第十期《论尊儒反法》一文指出:“卖国贼林彪也吹捧孔子,大骂秦始皇‘焚书坑儒’,公然标榜要学朱熹的‘待人’哲学。”对于朱熹“待人”哲学的反动实质,以及林彪吹捧朱熹“待人”哲学的罪恶目的,我们必须“用马克思主义的基本观点,即阶级分析的方法”加以彻底批判! 朱熹(公元1130——1200年)是我国南末时代人,是孔孟之后反动影响最大的唯心主义哲学家。他继承孔孟和程颢、程颐的唯心主义哲学体系,把“理”作为万事万物的根本。他
In his article entitled “On Confucianism and Anti-Chinese Law,” the article titled “On Confucianism and Anti-Chinese Law” issued by Hongqi Magazine in 1973 pointed out: “The soldier thieves Lin Biao also touted Confucius and cursed Qin Shi Huang’s burning of books and Confucianism, openly proclaiming the philosophy of treating others as Zhu Xi. ”We must thoroughly criticize Zhu Xi’s reactionary essence of“ treating others ”philosophy and the evil purpose of Lin Biao’s praising Zhu Xi’s“ treat others ”philosophy. Year) is the southern end of our country, is the most influential reactionary Confucianism after the idealist philosopher. He inherited the philosophical system of idealism of Confucius and Mencius and Cheng Yi and regarded “reason” as the foundation of everything. he