(一) 1937年7月7日卢沟桥事变,日本发动了全面侵华战争。8月13日,日军进攻上海。中日双方在上海及其周围地区进行了长达3个多月的大会战。10月26日,日军攻陷大场、江湾、闸北、庙行地区。中国守军腹背受敌,战局危急。为避免全军覆没,中国最高军事当局决定将主力撤至苏北河以南阵地。为掩护大军撤退,第88师奉命留下1个团,死守闸北,牵制日军。师长孙元良在团以上军官会上,问谁愿意挑这副重担,第524团中校团副谢晋元当即
(A) July 7, 1937 Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Japan launched an all-out war of aggression against China. August 13, the Japanese attack on Shanghai. China and Japan conducted a battle of more than three months in Shanghai and its surroundings. October 26, the Japanese captured a large field, Jiangwan, Zhabei, temple area. China’s defenders were attacked by enemies, and the crisis was critical. In order to avoid annihilation, the top military authority in China decided to withdraw its main force to the south of the northern Jiangsu River. To cover the retreat of the army, the 88th Division was ordered to leave a regiment, to keep Zhabei, contain the Japanese. Teacher Sun Yueliang above the regiment officer meeting, asked who is willing to pick this vice burden, the 524 regiment delegation vice Jin Xuan immediately